Skin symptom checker
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Psoriasis affects men, women and children alike and can occur at any age from infancy to old age but normally occurs between the ages of 10 and 30. In the UK around 2% of the population have some form of psoriasis. Psoriatic arthritis or arthropathy (also known as PsA) is a form of joint inflammation affecting around 30% people with the skin disorder psoriasis.
For most people, the condition is mild and can be managed successfully without too much intervention. Although, even being diagnosed as mild, may still make psoriasis and or psoriatic arthritis a big part of your life.
Although there is a lot of information available freely to view on this site, we do have sections which can only be seen via a log in. It's FREE to sign-up and you will then be able to read and learn more about psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis beyond the linked pages within this section, in our comprehensive knowledge bank. A full range of FREE information is also available to download.
The more you learn and understand about what is happening to your body, will help you to make informed choices and be able to decide how you wish to treat and manage your symptoms and play an active part in your current and future healthcare journey.