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(a) The relief of sickness and the promotion of health among people including (but not limited to) those suffering from psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis and other related or similar conditions;
(b) To promote and protect the physical and mental health of sufferers of psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis and other related or similar conditions through the provision of financial assistance, support, education and practical advice to sufferers, their families and carers;
(c) To educate the medical and nursing profession, the media and the general public in all areas relating to psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis and other related or similar conditions; and
(d) To promote - or assist in the promotion of - research into the causes, prevention and management of psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis and other related or similar conditions and to disseminate the results of such research for the public benefit.
The policies adopted in furtherance of these objects are:
(1)To continue to provide support and advice to those affected either directly or indirectly by psoriasis and/or psoriatic arthritis.
(2)To actively educate the wider public about psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, by responding to direct contact with the charity and pro-actively contributing to media and public debates.
(3)To continue developing, updating and providing free educational information in the form of leaflets, pamphlets, other printed material and a comprehensive website.
(4)To investigate what areas of research are being undertaken and where the Trustees feel it is appropriate, make grants available. Grants are made at the discretion of the Trustees and in accordance with the objects of the charity.
Areas that are considered for funding
PAPAA operates an open access funding policy and will consider applications that are likely to benefit those affected by psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis. The trustees may consider other applications but it is unlikely that these will be funded unless it can be shown that the project will deliver tangible benefits to its constituent group.
Type of grants
There are no specific grant schemes, but clearly the Trustees will favour grants which are methodologically well designed with clearly defined endpoints.
The charity will consider matched funding or part contribution, but are unlikely to support previous funded projects or those where funding has run out. In addition, it is unlikely that support would be given for projects that are a continuation of an existing study.
Size of fund and grants
The fund is limited to a level of funds which the trustees feel are appropriate for applications that would benefit from support, but in any event is unlikely to exceed £10K for any individual project.
Award decisions
Applications will be considered by the Trustees in the first instance, with initial advice from the Medical Advisor. If an application fits the strategic objectives of the Trustees, the final application will be independently peer-reviewed.
Application feedback
The Trustees reserve the right not to enter into correspondence regarding applications which are not funded.
Other support:
In addition to funding, PAPAA can provide support to your research in a variety other ways.
We can:
Please contact us and we’ll be pleased to try and support your work.