Editorial: At the recent patient evening held at Addenbrooke’s Hospital reported on page 16, the theme was about taking time to engage with and understand the needs of people with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.
When you have a condition, understanding the extent of what has or will happen in the future helps to fill the vacuum that it creates through lack of knowledge or ignorance, which is explained on pages 6-9.
On page 3 we look at the basic starting point we all face, which is getting that all-important diagnosis. This is where the role of the patient is so important and helping to provide vital information about the symptoms and condition can help medical staff with the correct diagnosis and subsequent treatment.
Learning about others can also help and on pages 17-19 there are stories and opinions submitted, which add to the reality of living with a long-term condition.
- Getting a diagnosis
- Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis explained
- Psychological support
- NHS delays
- TREX2 gene
- Physical activity
- New campaign
- Addenbrooke’s
- Share your story
- Writings on the wall
- Marketplace
... plus much more.