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Material on this site is mainly written and produced in-house by the PAPAA site editorial team. Other content is sourced from multiple authors. This is usually through commissioned work or via media and news alerts.
Quality and accuracy
We use a rigorous approach to writing and producing material, suitably qualified people are used to review, correct and proofread the content. People affected by psoriatic disease also input and review material.
Our process is continually being reviewed and has evolved since we were originally accredited in 2011 under the NHS England Information Standard process, that ended and standards such as the PIF TICK trusted information creator process, have also been used to continue to inform our work, along with other appropriate guidelines, that recognise the different individual needs that are required to provide equality and equity.
Content which is from an external source may be unaccredited to an individual, as it may have been provided on behalf an organisation or institution. In this case we endeavour to provide that source within the material.
When an individual provides copy for inclusion, if approved for use, the individual can withhold their identity, this particularly applies to personal stories.
Selection of material and imagery is made by the editorial team and is based on the needs of those with whom PAPAA interacts and also reflects emerging changes to healthcare.
Commercial content, such as adverts or advertorials are not included or accepted. There is no paid to be included content on this site.
Whether to include material that is solicited or unsolicited is the decision of the editorial team, who reserve the right not to enter into discussion about such decisions.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in content creation
We recognise that AI is increasingly utilised in content generation, serving as both an editorial aid and a source for original material. Just as spell checkers and thesauruses assist in refining language, AI tools will play a supportive role in our content creation process.
We firmly believe that AI should complement human judgment rather than replace it. All content generated with AI will undergo thorough review and validation by qualified editors to ensure clarity and accuracy.
Additionally, we are committed to actively identifying and mitigating biases within AI tools to promote fair and accurate representation of our content. This approach ensures that our audience receives high-quality material that reflects diverse perspectives.
The current editorial team is David Chandler, Julie Chandler and Caroline Marven, who are advised with medical input from Dr David Ashton.
Julie Chandler
David Chandler
Dr David Ashton MD PhD
Caroline Marven
Material added to this site is subject to copyright and or third-party ownership, if you wish to use any content that is included in this site, please contact us.
Images used on this site are from our own library, from third-parties with permission to use ONLY on this site, or from commercial royalty free photographic libraries, which have specific terms and conditions of use.
If you wish to use an image from this site, please contact us and we'll endeavour to provide you with the image (if we own copyright permissions) or sign-post you to where it can be commercially sourced.