Editorial: Welcome to a new look Skin ‘n’ Bones Connection. If you are a regular reader, you will notice, that not only has the design changed, but also the content. Some articles included are of general interest and may or may not relate directly to either psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis. This material may include aspects related to health, services or products that are available.
As part of our philosophy to provide a positive approach to the management of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, we want to include material that is also related to lifestyle choices. We believe that sometimes real life situations are not always reflected in material designed to educate and provide support.
The survey (reported on pages 4 and 5) was carried out at the end of 2006, helped us to look at the needs of information delivery, some respondents providing extra comments that have helped us to look at content and include items that they believe would be of interest to other readers.
No content in this magazine will be included because of any financial contributions or support from the contributor. Where we review products, this will be following internal research or from recommendations by our constituent group. We will also be commissioning articles from both professionals and subscribers, together with publishing readers letters, personal stories, tips, products road-tested and other contributions readers may have.
We have also been asked to look at alternate treatments and provide some information on treatments that my not have a medical basis. The article on the Champneys Spa (pages 12 and 13), we believe to be of use, as given the issues related to skin disease and joint problems with visits to such establishments, people still wish to experience for themselves without embarrassment. So keep those contributions coming!
- A new charity is born
- PHID survey
- Health advice
- About Moorfield
- Psoriasis and the sun
- Champneys road tested
- NHS Choices/Snippets
- New NICE gudiance
- Letters
- Marketplace
... plus much more.