Editorial: Sometimes when living with a chronic condition, we might be forgiven for forgetting about our overall general health. On pages 10-12 we’ve been looking at issues relating to living well and where to get some good guidance.
Getting more involved in looking after your general health and being more involved can improve your understanding and potentially lead to better outcomes.
A recent meeting held in Newport (page 4) brought together a number of people with various skin conditions to discuss the issues that affect them. The meeting was the first in what is hoped to be a long-term process of encouraging people to influence the care they receive.
The process of getting people involved in decision making is being developed all around the UK and is often called PPI (Patient and Public Involvement). On pages 14 and 15 you will see that you can get involved in such work in Wales and Northern Ireland, which will provide important input into research and patient care.
- Fish pedicures
- Patient Involvement
- Online CBT programme
- NHS Complaints
- NHS Future Forum
- Whats new
- Living Well
- Scottish Parliament
- Involving people
- Alcohol
- Medciines
- Letters
- Web watch
... plus much more.