Psoriasis in Practice is offered as a distance learning web-based continuing professional development course for primary care nurses who are interested in expanding their chronic disease management knowledge to include psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.
Development of the course by Aneurin Bevan Health Board’s Academic Dermatology Unit and the Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Alliance encompasses a practical, self-paced interactive course, with a patient-centred approach to psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis education for the primary care nurse.
Course content will include:
- Case studies and patient interviews
- Aetiology and treatments for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis
- Nursing assessment and management
- Online student interaction and tutor support
- Continuing professional development
- Evidence-based resources
Frequently Asked Questions
How long is the course?
Psoriasis in Practice is a 10-week online course.
Do I need to attend any taught sessions?
Psoriasis in Practice content is accessed online and involves self-directed learning. There is no taught element, and no requirement to attend.
How flexible is the structure of the course?
You have 10 weeks to study the course which is made up of six sections which you can follow at your own pace.
How do I get started?
Once enrolled you will be issued a username and password. The course materials are web -based and available via your personalised home page. To follow the course, you will need the use of a computer with access to the Internet.
What support is available during the course?
After enrolment, our administrators will help you with any routine queries and facilitate any technical support via email and telephone. Specialist tutors provide educational support and feedback, and there is a requirement to identify a clinical mentor to help you establish your learning needs and organise your studies.
How will I be assessed?
During the course, you will be asked to reflect on your learning and submit three 250-word essays for which you will receive marks and feedback.