Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis COVID-19 FAQs: COVID-19
Showing entries filtered under "COVID-19"
Where can I find out more about how the immune system reacts to COVID-19?
What is the advice for the Omicron variant?
Where can I find the latest advice about COVID-19?
What does COVID-19 stand for?
Is it recommended that patients with psoriasis should be vaccinated against COVID-19?
Should I have the COVID-19 vaccine?
When can I get the COVID-19 vaccine?
Will the vaccine make my skin condition worse?
There are several COVID-19 vaccines - is one vaccine more suitable than another for people who are on drugs to suppress the immune system?
Is it safe for me to have the COVID-19 vaccine if I am taking immunosuppressant medication?
Is the COVID-19 vaccine effective in people taking immunosuppressant medication?
Should I stop my medication if I decide to have the COVID-19 vaccine?
Is it safe to have the vaccine if I have already had a COVID-19 infection or a positive antibodies test result?
Can I have the vaccine if I am taking steroids?
Is it safe to have the vaccine during pregnancy
Can I have the vaccine if I am about to have surgery?
What are risks of the COVID-19 vaccines and blood clots?
Do patients with psoriasis have a higher risk of contracting COVID-19?
Will COVID-19 vaccination make my psoriatic arthritis worse?
Is it safe to have a COVID-19 vaccine, if I am taking Otezla (apremilast)?
Is the COVID-19 vaccine effective in people taking immunosuppressant medication?
Post-COVID-19 syndrome or "long COVID".