Be supportive
It is often difficult to understand what you partner is going through, when they have a chronic condition.
- My partner has psoriasis, what can I do? Don't panic, you can't catch it. psoriasis is not contagious. Learn more.
- How can I help my partner? You need to reassure them that you understand that they may be finding it difficult to talk about having psoriasis, and that you are happy to listen and support them. Learn more.
- My partner has developed psoriatic arthritis, what can I do? A diagnosis can be very distressing to both you and your partner, sometimes seeing how other people have coped might provide some reassurance. Learn more.
- Can my partner get benefits? Maybe, check the government website for more details.
- My partner is struggling to treat their condition, what can I do to help? Look at the treatment page of this site to see the options. Learn more.
- Can we still have children? There is no reason why you cannot still start a family, but certain medications can affect fertility, therefore it is best to talk to your doctor and find out the best way to manage the condition in this situation. Learn more.